Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Blog Post 1

As a Gen Z student I can tell you first hand no one in my generation and the generation below are getting the newspaper and receiving the news that way. Nowadays with social media most of us are looking at Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Youtube, Snapchat, and much more. It is safe to say almost all news is digitalized. Even my grandparents do not read the newspaper and they're old. For me I get most of my news and information from these platforms.


As embarrassing as it sounds I get a lot of my news from Instagram. Here I usually see the big headlines and the smaller headlines like which celebrities have passed and which celebrities are fighting. You have to be careful especially regarding politics because many of the things written about both parties can be false. 


TikTok is one of the newer social media platforms, and has grossed 150 Million American Users. Here many news outlets have created their own accounts and post what is going on in the world. With TikTok again you have to be careful. There have been rumors of propaganda going on with this platform because it 


I found YouTube to be very good during major headlines. When something big occurs they create a breaking news tab that is on the home screen. There you will be able to watch live coverage of what is going on from reliable sources like NBC, ABC, CBS, etc. 

News 12 Long Island:

When I am back home I News 12 the most. This is our local news channel and it basically tells me everything I need to know on what's going on around me. I usually put this on every morning I wake up to see what big headlines occurred the day before, and what the weather is going to be like that day. 

X (Formerly Known as Twitter):

X is another form of news outlet I use. I personally think X is great for breaking news. I will usually get a notification from X when something major occurs almost instantly. The one thing X is not good for is politics. There is a lot of false information regarding both candidates.

Overall, social media is a very powerful tool to stay connected with friends, but it also helps people stay connected to what is going on in the world. News outlets have been shifting to social media over the past decade because more people use social media over watching TV, or reading a newspaper.

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Blog Post 7

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