Friday, September 20, 2024

Blog Post 7

 Living in the Age of AI:

    The use of AI has increased dramatically in the last couple of years. I first learned about it two years ago. Someone showed me what ChatGPT and it has helped me tremendously with writing emails and answering questions I don't know. AI is super beneficial to many people and many businesses. However, it will affect many people because AI is taking over jobs. 

    AI has many pros and cons. For starters, many people who have helped invent and create their own AI platforms have spoken out, saying they have regretted doing so. Geoffrey Hinton, the "godfather of AI," has spoken out, saying AI has many dangers. He believes AI will become more intelligent than humans and could possibly wipe out human civilization. What scares me is how AI could potentially "rule" the world. Some fake social media accounts are run by AI bots that people read and believe. God forbid, but if one of these fake social media accounts with a decent following posts something like Russia just launched a nuclear weapon at the United States, it would scare many people. Another thing AI has been doing in the past couple of years is giving false information about political candidates. This can interfere with elections and possibly sway the entire election. 

    AI is not all bad, though. AI is used in many fields like healthcare, production, and much more. AI can do tasks for companies much quicker and more accurately than humans. I know many people in the workforce now who use AI to make their lives way easier. For instance, one of my friends works in the financial sector, and sometimes they have to code things. He will write me this code, and the AI will correctly give him the code he needs.

    Many countries are trying to create AI-enhancing military weapons. This would create a new form of warfare. In recent years, there have been many more cyberattacks. Many believe these cyberattacks are made with the help of AI. This poses a major risk for many people because it can affect everyone and will be more available to those who want to carry out these attacks. 

 Overall, AI is a very sophisticated piece of technology that can do more harm than good if we allow it. As a society, we must be careful about how we use it. Although it has many pros, it also has many cons. 

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Blog Post 7

 Living in the Age of AI:      The use of AI has increased dramatically in the last couple of years. I first learned about it two years ago....